Site Infrastructure Maintenance - Global API
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Equinix Metal
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Sep 21, 2023 - 01:55 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Sep 21, 2023 - 00:30 UTC
On Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 between 8:30PM and 11:30PM EST (Thursday, September 21st, 2023, 12:30AM-3:30AM UTC), we will perform a scheduled maintenance on our global API. The global API will be inaccessible during the maintenance window.

As this maintenance does not impact our network or customer infrastructure directly, anything that is already deployed will continue to be accessible.

Please reach out to us via with any questions.
Posted Sep 06, 2023 - 17:41 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Equinix Metal API, Device Provisioning, Asia-Pacific (Tokyo (TY), Hong Kong (HK), Sydney (SY), Singapore (SG), Seoul (SL), Osaka (OS), Melbourne (ME)), Americas (New York (NY), Washington DC (DC), Silicon Valley (SV), Dallas (DA), Toronto (TR), Chicago (CH), Los Angeles (LA), Atlanta (AT), Seattle (SE), Sao Paulo (SP), Montreal (MT)), and EMEA (Amsterdam (AM), Frankfurt (FR), London (LD), Paris (PA), Madrid (MD), Helsinki (HE), Stockholm (SK)).